Embarking on a Remarkable Journey: The Heart of Laughing Women Worldwide!
Greetings, cherished members of the Laughing Women family, scattered across the globe! It's an honor to stand before you as the Lead Ambassador for Laughing Women
Worldwide and share the extraordinary tale of our ministry's ascent to greatness.
Our dream has truly transformed into reality – a reality beyond our wildest imaginings. Guided by the divine hand of God, we've witnessed incredible growth and the multiplication of blessings in countless forms.
As a ministry, we humbly offer our gratitude to our Savior, Jesus Christ, for His unwavering grace that draws us closer to His divine presence. This is a grace that knows no bounds.
Laughing Women ministry has evolved into a global phenomenon, sparked by the visionary leadership of our founder, Jite Newton, inspired and guided by the Holy Spirit back in 2016. What began as a singular endeavor has now united an international force of passionate individuals who share a common mission.
From every corner of the world, our vibrant community has blossomed. We proudly stand united with 14 countries, including the United Kingdom, India, Uganda, Ghana, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Canada, Australia, the Philippines, Jamaica, Pakistan, Zambia, Sierra Leone, and Nigeria. The bond we share in Jesus, our collective strengths, and the incredible work that He accomplishes through us continues to amaze and inspire us.
From the depths of my heart, I express how this ministry has brought my childhood dream to life – a dream of comforting the vulnerable, the underprivileged, the lost, the destitute, the broken, and the forgotten. The joy of the Lord has become our foundation as we learn to trust Him in new and profound ways.
To all those who have supported us on this incredible journey, I extend my deepest gratitude. Your contributions have made this dream a reality, and together, we will continue to impact the world with love and compassion.
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